Well it’s been a while but with the blog site updating I needed to spend some time figuring it out and reluctant to use 3G internet access for problem solving. That’s the excuse anyway but maybe I am just being a bit lazy.
We have been in Tauranga now 5 months and finding the weather very appealing. Work is going well for me and it’s nice being near family for a while. It was surprising to find how little we knew about Tauranga despite visiting here over many years. We are enjoying exploring locally finding local cycle tracks and beaches. We have even climbed The Mount. Last weekend we cycled the Waikino to Paeroa portion of the Hauraki cycle trail and will go back to complete the Thames and Te Aroha portion sometime soon. But the biggest change for us has been the purchase of a camper van. Yes, a Nissan Homy which will allow us to get about on the weekends to those spots that DREEEM won’t get to. It still needs a bit of work but Warren is busy now fitting it out for camping.
We attended the Motorhome rally at Mount Maunaganui at Easter weekend and enjoyed the 4 days and in particular the 4 nights of live entertainment. There were 1600 people there in 800+ vans so it was really well supported. While there we were interviewed by Robyn Dallimore from RV Lifestyle magazine. Watch out for the July/August edition for a story on us!
Warren enjoyed a flight in a bi-plane for his birthday in May and then when Robin and Pete visited us and stayed over, he was able to take them back to see the Classic aircraft museum.
If I manage to get this loaded I’ll update more soon and add some photos as well.