Monday, December 26, 2011

Xmas in Arrowtown/Queenstown

We have had a great time so far in the Arrowtown / Queenstown area. We have been able to spend some good time with Pauline and Rob and their families and we have also managed to get out and enjoy this blissfully perfect weather. Too hot for some but a very pleasant summer for us.
We were thrilled to be given a helicopter flight br Rob and Tetli as a thank you to Warren for the help he gave them building their house. We flew up onto the snowy mountain where we stopped off for a little while. We flew back to Queenstown over Lake Moke which is in one of the photo's above.
In the few days here we have paddled on Lake Hayes, walked around Lake Hayes, cycled along Arrowtown river and up towards Macetown and also cycled around Moke Lake. It feels like a glorious summer holiday.
On Xmas day we managed to talk to family who were not here with us and that was also great.
I have also just had confirmation that the position I applied for in Tauranga is going to go ahead so at the end of January we will be back behind the wheel of DREEEM (now complete with a peice of wood on the accelerator for short legs) and heading back north. The new position (Project Manager)starts mid February and is a one year contract so we will enjoy the Bay of Plenty for a year and being located near the Tauranga family.
The only drama of note in the last few days was loosing all our air in DREEEM on our way into Queenstown on the Friday afternoon before Xmas. We were lucky that it happened once we had reached Frankton and not on the Devils staircase around the lake edge and we were also lucky that there was a sober diesel mechanic who was able to reconnect a dislodged airline on the side of the road.  We are planning to head down to Niagara Falls for New Year so will be back in touch after that.

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